Friday, November 19, 2010


Today I walked into my new apartment carrying a drawer that I had just lugged from my old condo, which is about 5min down the street. The first thing that came out of my mouth to my dear friend Stef was "Thank god I do Crossfit".
I thought about that statement as I continued to do rounds from the old condo to the new apartment, all alone, arms full of my things. I realized that Crossfit not only helps me with my physical strength but with my mental strength also. As my biceps burned and I stopped in the middle of the street to shake my arms out, breathe and then continue on, I understood that I am STRONG.
That thought made me smile and actually giggle. I was not only proud but felt very comfortable and safe within myself.
If I can wish one thing upon everyone it would be for them to find the strength, physical and mental, to carry THEMSELVES through this life because in the end that is the only person you really truly have, FOREVER.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Well, it has been almost two months since I have written on my blog. I have gone through some big  LIFE-CHANGES during that time. I looked up the definition of change in the dictionary today and there were a whole slew of different meanings. I found that very fitting because change for everyone is different. No two people will ever change in exactly the same way because we all see this life from our own perspective.
I came to realize while I was reading these definitions that Change=Choice most of the time. Even after a life changing experience that may leave us in a wheelchair or see us winning an Olympic gold medal, we have to choose where we will go next and how we will evolve from there. When we change our lives we choose which path to take, which direction to go that may lead us to a good place or a bad one. I did not choose some of the changes that I went through recently but I did choose how I dealt with them and which direction I was going to let the universe take me. One of my favorite quotes sums  it up " Be the change you would like to see in this world" Gandhi.
Being the change means choosing it. So choose wisely my friends because you have the power to direct yourselves.

Friday, September 10, 2010


"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live".

LAUGHTER is the best medicine by far!!!!! It does nothing but good things to your body from improving your immunity to burning calories. Laughter is GOOD FOR YOU and we do not do enough of it. When we come into this world we are spontaneous, full of intrigue and a lot of wonder. Things like laughter come naturally for children. They are amazing to watch and we can all learn a thing or two from their natural ability to laugh.
Here is a story of  laughter that I experienced recently, it's a good one :)
I was sitting in a Law Office a few weeks ago, not usually a very fun place to be waiting but my experience was HILARIOUS. I was sitting there minding my own business and these two people across from me started to giggle. They were speaking in low voices and I was reading so I was not paying close attention to what they were saying. The giggles started to turn into laughter that got louder and louder every second. I looked up at them and they both stared at me, red faced and in hysterics, then I started to laugh and it was ON. We laughed for almost 5 min straight. When they got up to go I thanked them and they both said "No problem" that was it, nothing else. I had NO idea what we were laughing at but let me tell you, I did not CARE. It was an amazing experience and one I need that day in my life!!!!!
Many people lose their ability to laugh openly along the way and somehow become caught up in the fog of life that we create in our own minds. I think it is very important to LAUGH and often, without feeling embarrassed or ashamed. So next time you are out and you see something funny then LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF, please!!!!!! Do it for yourself and do it for everyone else around you cuz you may find it catches on :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good. ~Edwin Denby

I have a lot of favorite things to do but I will have to say that dancing is very close to the top of the list, if not my number one.
To me dancing is what it is, you can't put a label on it, judge it or try to be the "BEST" at it because  EVERYONE can dance. I love going out and seeing people GO FOR IT on the dance floor, there is such a freedom in this form of self expression that should never be looked down upon or made fun of. Dancing puts me in touch with myself, it grounds me, it makes me fly and reminds me of the earth beneath my feet, connecting me with the energy that surrounds us.
Dancing is healthy, sacred, soul pleasing goodness and it is FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
The key word:FUN

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Singing is something I have always done. When I was little I used to make up songs when I was taking a bath, in my bed, on the way to school, while I was warming up during gymnastics. I was ALWAYS singing. A quote was posted yesterday that read " Life is a song, Love is the music". Reading this quote made me remember that for the past year or so, I have not been singing? So, I unzipped my guitar case, pulled it out and sang. It made me smile and it seemed to bring me back to myself if you know what I mean. Everyone has things in their life that make them connect with themselves on a different level, a higher consciousness and if you think you don't then you just haven't found it yet!!!!! Today I am reminding you to check that you still use these things, whatever they are, to bring yourself balance and to allow yourself to feel your soul.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.

- Vincent van Gogh

I LOVE this quote because I LOVE many things. Whatever you are doing, pour your heart into it, it may get broken along the way but it will MEND, you will LEARN, you will GROW and then you will LOVE even more the next time around :)


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Strongman/woman Seminar and Comp

We head to the States tomorrow morning bright and early. Destination: Stamford, CT for the Strongman comp/seminar. I have been very excited about this, not just because it is a competition which I LOVE but a seminar hosted by an amazing athlete/man by the name of Rob Orlando. He has been a pioneer for introducing his passion of strongman into crossfit, making a hybrid of both, something I am eager to listen to him speak about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When people are introduced to the strongman equipment and movements I hear a lot of " When the hell am I ever going to do this." That is a fair statement but I think it is a naive one, we should never assume anything ;)
Plus lifting stones, logs, axles and flipping, tires is FREAKIN FUN during a workout. Can't wait to be introduced to more of it, bring it on :) I will keep you posted along the way. WOOOOOOT.